just 5 ingredients…
15 calories
nutrient dense
no added sugar
no preservatives
immune support
Leafy greens are rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, known for its role in immune cell production, and vitamin A, essential for maintaining mucosal surfaces, a key defense against pathogens. Vitamin K supports immune function by aiding in the regulation of inflammatory responses. The combination of antioxidants and essential nutrients fortifies the immune system, enhancing its ability to combat infections and maintain optimal health.
Each Leafsup Green Smoothie Pack has 1 serving of your daily recommended vegetables.
Parsley and mint offer potent detoxifying benefits. Parsley acts as a natural diuretic, aiding kidney function and eliminating toxins with its antioxidants and chlorophyll. Mint, rich in anti-inflammatory properties and menthol, soothes the digestive tract, reducing bloating. Together, these herbs support liver function, crucial for detox.
energy & mood
Leafy greens, found in Leafsup, are vital for promoting energy and brain health. Packed with nutrients such as folate, vitamin K, and antioxidants, they enhance blood circulation, optimize oxygen delivery to the brain, and support overall cognitive function. The iron content helps prevent fatigue and boosts red blood cell production, contributing to increased energy levels. Incorporating these greens into your diet provides essential vitamins and minerals that protect the brain from oxidative stress, potentially reducing the risk of cognitive decline. In essence, leafy greens serve as a powerful dual force, fueling both sustained energy and long-term brain health.
Leafy greens contribute to improved sleep quality through their rich content of nutrients that support relaxation and melatonin production. Greens like spinach and kale contain magnesium, a mineral known for its calming effects on the nervous system, promoting muscle relaxation and easing tension. Additionally, leafy greens are a good source of folate, which plays a role in neurotransmitter regulation, potentially aiding in the synthesis of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood and sleep. The abundance of antioxidants in these greens may also help reduce inflammation, contributing to a more restful night's sleep.
gut health & weight control
Leafy greens offer essential prebiotic benefits for a healthy gut. Packed with insoluble fiber, these greens create a favorable environment for beneficial bacteria, promoting the production of short-chain fatty acids. This supports the growth of beneficial microbes, crucial for digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall immune function.
Leafy greens are excellent allies in achieving weight loss goals due to their low-calorie density and high nutritional value. Packed with fiber, these greens promote a feeling of fullness and satiety, reducing overall calorie intake. The fiber also aids in digestion and regulates blood sugar levels, preventing sudden spikes and crashes that can contribute to overeating. Moreover, leafy greens are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, providing essential nutrients without excess calories. Incorporating these nutrient-dense greens into meals not only supports weight management by promoting a balanced diet but also ensures that the body receives the necessary nutrients for overall health.
add to your smoothie for a boost of veggies
mix it with water for a fresh green juice anytime
add to your soups, sauces, or baking mixes
PNW local & sustainable.
At leafsup, we take pride in our partnership with local Pacific Northwest farmers who are passionate about sustainable and eco-friendly practices. By collaborating with these dedicated growers, we ensure that our leafy greens are always fresh and produced through environmentally conscious methods. With leafsup, you're not just getting the highest quality leafy greens; you're supporting local farmers and a greener planet.
zero waste.
Our smoothie packs are made from whole veggies, carefully selected for their freshness and quality. We take pride in ensuring that every part of the vegetables is utilized, leaving no room for waste. By blending everything together, we create a nutrient-rich smoothie base that is bursting with flavor and goodness.
it’s better when it’s blanched.
Blanching is a crucial step in our preparation process that helps to preserve nutrients in our veggies while cutting the bitterness, resulting in a sweeter taste and brighter color.
it increases the availability of vitamins in the veggies and your body's ability to absorb these essential nutrients.
This gentle cooking method helps the veggies become easily digestible. the cell walls of the veggies become more tender, enabling your body to break them down and absorb their nutrients more efficiently.
good food should be easy to find.
We started leafsup in 2021 because of how difficult it was to find real health food products. It was impossible for us to go to our local grocery store and find something that didn’t have added sweeteners or preservatives and tasted good enough to want to add to our diet.
We believe that with the right production processes and careful attention to the ingredients, you can make healthy foods that don’t need anything else but whole foods that give you a truly balanced and healthy outcome.
eat your greens!
We started out with the goal to make it easy to get more vegetables into our diet. The leafsup packs started as home meal prep to use in our daily green smoothie but quickly became something we added to everything we ate.
After seeing the effect on our health, lowered inflammation, better gut health, and improved energy levels, we were completely hooked. Then we started giving it to our friends and they were hooked too.
We hope everyone has the opportunity to try leafsup and let the results speak for themselves!
Leafsup Founder